Noses and friends

Steve’s (UniBrier) current sig includes the following:

"They say you can pick your friends, You can pick your nose, But you can’t pick your friend’s nose. " Unibrier

Since he added “They say” to it, it’s then his quote, I suppose.

Anyone remember where this pithy quote actually comes from?*

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

  • I have, I believe, a copy of the original source in a box at my mom’s apartment and I’ll dig it out sometime.

Re: Noses and friends

considering u have the original, i’d venture a guess and suggest alfred e neuman in one of the earlier mad magazines?

Re: Re: Noses and friends


Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Noses and friends

It’s bullshit anyway.

Klaas Bil

Re: Re: Noses and friends

Damn, that site is blocked by my company. I’ll have to wait until tonight to look.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Re: Noses and friends

yeah, even klaas’s stats site is blocked by my company
maybe it’s a klaas thing?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Noses and friends

Well, just so you know, and not to jack my own thread, it is a body modification site with articles on everything from piercings and tattoos to the more bizarre. I recently read something there about elective amputations. (Yikes!)

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Noses and friends

Monty Python

Re: Re: Noses and friends

No, sorry. Getting colder.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Charlie Brown (well, Lucy if you wan’t to be picky about it)

Hmmm, I do not believe this is right, but now you’ve put some doubt in my mind. :astonished:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ


Re: Noses and friends

It was actually a post, not a sig. :stuck_out_tongue: Although I am due for a fresh sig.

I Googled a bunch and found one mention of a strip where Lucy reads the quote from a book. I wonder what book it was?

Any chance of finding the actual strip?

Re: Re: Noses and friends

Oops, my mistake.

I find that mention suspect because it goes on to say that in the last frame Lucy had her finger in Charlie Brown’s nose. I don’t believe that Charles Schulz would have done something so lacking in subtlety.

Now that there is some question about where this came from I’m going to have to do some digging. Before I shoot my mouth off, that is. (Oops, already did, I guess).

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Re: Noses and friends

I agree, it is possible someone drew an unauthorized version.

Speaking of unauthorized; I picked up this glass at a street sale while visiting a friend in Manhattan back in '88. I don’t think Schultz would approve. :astonished:

lucy 004crop.jpg

I can’t remember either, but it got me thinking about the fairly significant connection between Peanuts and MAD Magazine. My favorite–which I can’t find the visual for–was a strip that Schulz actually drew for MAD, the punchline of which was “Stupid Leaf”. Oldsters may remember that one.

Here’s a link that talks about some of the links. Too bad they don’t have a visual on the one above, but at least they have the issue number.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Noses and friends

My site is too much fun to be viewed at work. :slight_smile:

Klaas Bil

It was the September 1964 Mad that had this and if you’re interested in it a copy is on Ebay, dirt cheap at the moment.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Well, it took a while, but I found what I was looking for. I originally thought it was from one of Robert Crumb’s Zap Comix. After sorting through them all whenever I came across one in a shop, I came up empty handed.

Turns out it was in the otherwise completely pornographic Uneeda Comix, July 1970, also by Robert Crumb. Enjoy.


A guy I know (who is a unicyclist, incidentally) picked his friends nose. But they weren’t really friends, I guess…and it wasn’t quite a nose pick. It was in cross country, and someone said, ‘hey Brian, I dare you to stick your finger up Joe’s nose!’ and Brian does anything, so he went and did it.