Northeast Florida Unicycle Group (NFUG)

I have been unicycling for thirty-seven years and started MUni a few months ago. I love it! It’s so much more of a workout than street riding. My husband has learned to ride a uni over the past six months but he is not experienced enough to ride the trail. He rides his b*ke with me when I MUni for now until he’s up to speed. :wink:

We have started a Facebook page called Northeast Florida Unicycle Group. We have encountered lots of people who used to uni but don’t anymore. When they see me riding, they seem to have a renewed interest. We would like to get a group of uni/MUni folks together and just go ride. I am also up for teaching anyone who wants to learn. Most people disregard the uni by convincing themselves that they need lots of balance. I try to discourage those thoughts but emphasize the time and dedication needed and the superior workout you get.

There are a lot of parks and trails in the Northeast Florida area just waiting for someone on a uni/MUni to visit. I unicycle every morning for about 6.5 miles at Naval Station Mayport since it’s the only time I have during the week. On weekends, I have a trail about a half a mile from the house that is owned by the city. It is a wetland called Julington Creek-Durbin Preserve. It is a flatland ride but very pretty. There are some patches of sand but they are pretty easy to go around. The entire loop is about 6.5 mi and mostly shady with a tree canopy. MUni riders share the trail with hikers, b*ikers, and horses. I have not tried any other place so far. My next venture will probably be Hanna Park, Santos, or White Springs.

The purpose of the Northeast Florida Unicycle Group (NFUG) is to gather all of the unicyclists/MUnicyclists in the northeast Florida area and share ride information and photos and maybe have a once a month meet someplace similar to what the New York Unicycle Club does at Grant’s Tomb. Anyone interested in being a part of NFUG should go to the Facebook page and join. The page is pretty bare right now but I’m hoping people join and add to it.

Thanks Ya’ll!

Good luck forming your group! My dad lives down in the West Palm Beach area, but he’s too old (in his 80-year old mind) and can’t ride a unicycle. His dad tried one though, many years ago when he was 83!

Your name (NFUG) sounds kind of dirty. Which is fun. At least you’re not trying to form the Sacramento Unicycle Club, or worse yet, the Folsom Unicycle Club…