North Carolina!!

hey everyone!! I’m new to the unicycle thing and hoping to find people near me to maybe help me along the way! So if you live anywhere near Hickory NC hollar at me!! :smiley:

hey! welcome to the forums! i don’t know of any NC riders right off the top of my head but i’m sure that you’ll find a few.
but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us!

Hey, welcome to the forums.

You reminded me that Spiderman 3 is coming out in five days. I can’t wait.

I’m just a bit south of ya, but i’m still learning how to free mount the bugger.

If I was looking for unicyclist in NC…

Three days of Mountain Unicycling in Western North Carolina
May 4-6 in Asheville, NC

not really near, but just another NC unicyclist saying hey.


Hey everyone and thanks for the welcoming!! Feel free to shoot me a message on yahoo @ maryjane8615!!

where I go, there I am.

I am from hickory also… Hollaaaa :astonished:

When you want to do some flatlands I am on the coast! Welcome!

We got a small, but growing, group of us around the Charlotte area (around 12 now, 3 are girls). We do some trials and mUni rides. Tons of MTB trails in the area. If your down this way, let us know. Here is a link to the local MTB forum, look around inside the forum list, we have a little section for single speedbike/Unicycles/trials bike. It will show some of the local stuff we have built and there is a few videos.

North Carolina is the new black :smiley:

Riding in Raleigh, new transplant from Albany.
Muni, road, a bit of street.

Welcome to the forums. I’m from Cary, NC just outside of Raleigh. There is a group of 3-4 of us that ride regularly, mostly muni with a little bit of greenway riding when the trails are closed.