NOOOOOOO!! The End is near

School starts tomorrow:( I’m going to miss out on 6+ hours of riding time a day. a week ago I was so exsited to go back. but then I got a week off work and I realised how much fun summer is:( today I will go on a MUni ride to mark the un-official end of the summer:(

June 21-September 4
Missed by all

school for me started the friday before last. that is late compared to what it use to be because it use to be like 20 some days before that until last year

i finish school in november, am looking forward to it alot

i started the 15 of august and i get out the 25 of may


6/25 - 9/6 for me. I still gots another twos days! :smiley:

We started Wednesday last week, which was like the 30th of August.



I was kind of glad for school…I was getting bored.

I’m not looking forward to the school term starting around here; it’ll mean loads of inept drivers carting their kids half a mile to school, paying more attention to their darling offspring than to not running me over.

I think next Monday is when the chaos resumes; I’ve been exercising my rant muscles in preparation.

UniTyler: I had a calculator like that, it was ace. I programmed a “Worms”-like tank game into it, which certainly made maths lessons a lot more interesting… :slight_smile:


My third week of High School starts tomorrow!

Hey, me too!

My school begins next monday. Still have time.

I can still easily ride 6 hours a day. Homeschooling is cool, I save soooo much time. I can easily be done by 12:00am.

Still sucks though haha:( Start tomorrow.

I cant wait for school!

It starts tomorrow for me, but then I realize, I dont go to a regular school.

My school starts at 9am, and end at 12am, Mondays through Thursday, Friday is always off.

I could type about all the field trips we go on, to mountain ranges and all that fun stuff, but it would take too long.

I cant wait for tomorrow!

What school do you go to?

I start at 7am and I am out at 12:19. My schedual is really good this year.

I started August 17th though:(

That sounds like a nice school! We study from half 7 till 20 to 1, five days a week! Tell me more about your school, please!


Its an alternative schooling program for kids who are being held back by the regular highschool setting. I can go there and take as many classes as I want and then work on them at my own pace, which is quite fast, and get the credits done a lot faster.

Most people here ‘Alternative school’ and think its just for all the bad kids that do drugs and who have gotten pregnant and whatnot, its true in some ways, cause we had some pregnant students and some of them came because how bad they were doing at their regular highschool, but most of the students, are like me, and the regular highschool teaching system just isnt fast or good enough for us.

I remember my first year there, which was just last year, I got two years of math done in about 3 weeks. =p

It also helps that we cant get anything lower than a 80% B, so if we do, it has to be redone to make it B or A work.


That’s so nice! I wish I could take things at my own pace at school!