I had been smoking plenty for about ten years until then. But then I decided it was about time to quit, for the obvious health- and money related reasons, but also because I disliked to be so strongly addicted to smoking.
I used to roll my own cigarettes with mild tobacco and filters, which resulted in very aromatic cigarettes, much better (and cheaper) than the factory made ones. Of course I always had to have my supply everywhere I went. Non smoking areas used to bother me a lot. I remember how uncomfortable I felt in bars on my last visit to Canada. I was used to be able to smoke at least two cigarettes per beer… Now the non smoking policy has been adapted in most of Europe, and I can really appreciate it, being a non smoker myself.
My first day as a non-smoker of course had to be spent long-distance-unicycling for about eight hours or so. I remember taking much less breaks than before, cause I didn’t just want to sit around without a toke. When I got home I was pretty exausted, took a shower, had some food and beer and slept like a baby.
In the first couple of weeks I did think about smoking pretty often, especially in the morning, when I used to smoke my first cigarette while drinking coffee. Also after every meal I first missed my old habit. Waiting for something or having conversations was quite annoying too without smoking. Substituting the cigarettes with chewing gum and candy helped in the first months. It got better slowly to the point that I almost didn’t miss it anymore after about two months or so.
Today I dare to say, that I will never ever smoke again in my entire life. And I am absolutely sure about that. Because I don’t miss it at all!
So if there are any smokers reading this, I would like to encourage you to quit too! Your unicycling will benefit from that too, by the way. My endurance has improved a lot since I quit smoking.
Wow, this is a llllllloooooonnnggggg post, it must be my personal record:p
Yes, major congrats! With all the additives and extras to increase addictiveness, you may have had a slight advantage in your ability to quit by rolling your own, but still it’s one of the best health decisions you can make! I was also a smoker for years, but quit cold turkey way back in 1975!
Yeah, I’m not the biggest fan of smoking cigarettes, although it appears as though more and more of my friends/people at my school are getting into it. Kinda sad:(
I don’t really care about myself breathing SOME in (well… not meth). Like I sit outside with people at my job when they smoke. I just think it’s a stupid choice on their part.
Thank you all, I appreciate your congrats!
By the way, I quit smoking weed about two years ago, because it got me into mental problems like paranoia, sociophobia and other disorders… That is not what I consider healthy, but people can react very differently to weed. Some people seem to have less problems than I had. The addiction can be quite strong, though, so it often becomes a daily habit. I’m glad I don’t miss that now either.
Wait a minute. Why should the smokers get more breaks than you? Don’t you need a snack break? Or a farting break (to make it about air quality)? Or something?