NOLF2 unicycle cameo :)

I’ve had NOLF2 for around 2 years now. Just never finished the game. So, I’m determined to finish it up, and remove it from my HD.

I was pleasantly suprized to find a movie sequence and a level with a unicycle.

Here’s 2 screenshots… they are from the movie intro…
(which reveals that the Cate needs to chase a BadGuy riding a unicycle, while Armstrong drives a tricycle, and shooting bad guys around town)

I can’t describe my joy :smiley:

The first screenshot is of the BadGuy and his henchmen.
The second is of Armstrong grabbing the Badguy. Only to find out he’s very tiny, and moves around on a unicycle under his coat. :smiley:


Here’s one in the map level chasing the unicycle…

that looks like a fun game

Ok , here’s a pic of Cate and Armstrong before they get on the tricycle

… and the chase begins … :smiley:

I found out that if you don’t shoot the ‘badguy unicyclist’ the level hits a dead end.
(level doesn’t complete … it’s a map bug!)

Needless to say I kept shooting him, but he never dies … lol
But, the map does end, and the storyline continues…

This just proves that unicyclists are invincible.