After seeing someone thinking that I was total_uni (Evan) I just want to clarify what I look like. Here are a few pics:
I thought you were a unicyclist. I count at least two wheels on that ride of yours.
More kids and guns. Must be something in the air.
Bruce, time to revive the faces gallery?
Yeah, I think so. Fresh faces, new ideas. I’ll start a reminder thread tomorrow at work. Right now, it’s been an awfully long day on four hours sleep last night.
How could anyone forget what the Dark Lord(Satan) looks like:
yeah I really don’t see the resemblance…how could you mix yourself up like that?
huh? my pictures don’t look like the same person?
How long have you been playing the…
Ha! Not piano!
Well, I’ve been playing the pitchfork since I was born, and I’ve been playing the piano for about 6 years.
So youve been playing them both the same amount of time?
Catboy that’s priceless.
Ok, I surrender, that was a pretty good dis…:o
what the hell is this a model angency lol
dude you just got seriously BURNT also why do we care what you look like god you are just wasting forum space that we really dont need