I am happy to inform all of you that I will nevermore have any signature but this. I was selfish, and was a little caught up in the fun of what I was doing instead of considering logic. I realise now, after seeing people I know, trust, and extremely enjoy knowing, get very serious with me, very fast. I do not wish to make any enemies, and I hate seeing myself turn into one of the bad guys. I want to appologise to everyone for my actions, to all who had to deal with my immaturity and idiocy. I especiallly want to Apollogise to Daino, John Foss, John Childs, and most of all Gilby. I had completly forgotten what was expressed to me in “Oi!” and I was a complete jerk. I accept all statemennts said to me, as I provoked them. I hope never ever to do anything this retarded to any of you again.
I did not do this with malicious intent. I didn’t want to piss everyone off, that was just a side effect. I wanted to show my stance on the issue, knowing that it was not my place to have a stance. It just blew up really fast, and rather than give in to the logic I was being presented by most people, I let my pride take over and kept it up for far longer than I should have.
I want to apologize to anyone and everyone I annoyed, but mostly to Gilby. Thank you for not banning me without a second thought.
Anyone who wants to ignore me, that is fine, I can understand you not wanting to see my posts, as they were probably annoying before all of this. But please do not hold it against me as a person. I still want to be able to ride and have a good time with all of you come next years motorama, ECMW, LBI unithon, and, hopefully, toque. Maybe even head out west soon. So, remember, I am a unicyclist in addition to an annoying bastard who does stupid things on the forums. Ignore me if you want on the forums, but don’t hold it against me in real life.
Thanks for getting rid of those things guys. I chose not to say anything regarding them while you were still using them, so as to not add to the recent negativity in the forums.
I also thank those that positively and validly reprimanded Obie and Catboy for addressing the situation appropriately. I look forward to continuing reading and posting on this forum in the future.
Thank you both for this display of integrity. To publicly apologize takes alot of guts. You have done an enormous favor to the community by reducing the heavy traffic.
And I’ll bring scrapple to the next overnight event I go to for anyone who’s willing to try it. I brought some to ECMW by way of telling Tim to do so, but I slept through breakfast.