No more 24" street for me...

whadup uni’sts!

im out of 24" street, just received my 20 " dh pro tonight and its frickin siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick! except i had the 140mm trial cranks put on it instead of the street cranks. Plus some jim Cs

feels gooooooood

Thats sweet man, how bouts some pics?

I guess I’m the 24" street king now…

haha, sick… pictures?
video would be nice…

Always pictured you going KH if you went for a 19".

Put out a video soon.:slight_smile:

yeah for sure guys, ill get a video out for this sunday! and some pics up tonight

You finally came to your senses.

Nope, or he’d be buying a 20" rim, light tire with smooth tread, shorter cranks, and trying to get the frame deadly close to the tire. :stuck_out_tongue:

Justin is Justin. He does things his own way.

im looking to start getting into trials/street again. You know, get back in shape:D haha. but since im not sponsored by torker anymore i thought i give koxx a try, and i love this uni!
heres some pics i took with my cell phone…

Looks good. :smiley:

Nice :smiley:

I had no Idea that you were on Defect until I watched it just now :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah…your uni is on its way nkahler

Interested in a trials comp may 10th?

King :slight_smile:


:stuck_out_tongue: Don’t you mean king of the freestyle/street unicycling. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I’m mostly street/trials.

haha, by the way theres a street weekend in vancouver around the end of october. 19-21 i think. Some people from alberta are coming, theres about 10-15 riders here!

That looks awesome…White Widow looks better though. :smiley: