No Goths Allowed: Goth website plays role in 2 previous murders, now this one

Kimveer Gill, who wounded 19 and killed 1 so far in Montreal, posted his violent comments on, which has played a role in 2 previoous Canadian murder cases.

He blogged under the name Fatality 666.

THey have almost 615,000 members! :astonished: I think I am now anti-vampire too.

and they PAY a fee to post!

Someone in Brooklyn is making some $$$. Is is (vampire)-blood money?? :smiley:

And three of them are/were murderers… 0.0005%
What’s the proportion of murderers in the general population?

Much lower.

It’s safe to say most Goths are either murderers, or potential murderers.

Why else would they look like that?

I think your just trying to stir the pot.

No, it was a genuine thought. Thinking more though, it is probably a high proportion - although I can’t find any “proportion of murderers in the general population” figure to compare it with.

Isn’t everybody a potential murderer? That’s like me saying “most Americans are fat, arrogant and polluting”. Oh no… I’ve been drawn into one of your argument threads :frowning: Should have known better.


You’re going to get us all locked up with speech like that. I hope you’ve got lots of bail money :slight_smile:

Didn’t you know that unicyclists are murderers, especially Bay Area ones? :wink:

Well, it reminds me of a psychological experiment carried out by Milgram
in 60s AFAIR, have you heard of it?
Here is the link. It showed (among other things) that under certain, not so
complicated and hard to achieve, circumstances everybody can potentially be a murderer.
It’s darn interesting! Read it.


my mother works as a prison warden and ppl often say " isn’t it scary" and just to get back at them she says" these ppl were once someones next door neighbour"

I feel kind of bad for the members and admin and such of that forum, they are just trying to have a place where they can share similar views and opinions and share a culture with others, just like we do here. But now that three members have commited some rather terrible acts they are all being looked upon as bad people. The man also had a live journal account and a Myspace account, of course those are much more popular websites and are much more mainstream therefore they were left out of many of the reports, but I bet that they have just as many violent people on them.

I think its a good thing that they charge a membership fee as if they didn’t they would probably have alot of people going onto that website to flame and try and attack it.

And most of them will be someone’s neighbor AGAIN.

The coolest thing about the Witness Protection Program is that these serial murderers for the Mob snitch out the crime boss, and teh government gives them a bit of job training, and they become YOUR next door neighbor, and you’ll NEVER have ANY idea.

Don’t confuse a symptom with a cause.

It’s like that age old argument against pornography. A large percentage of child molesters and sexual abusers are caught with stacks of pornography when they are caught. Did the porno cause them to do what they did? No. The porno was a symptom of their disease.

This is the same, crazy murderer people are often attracted to the goth scene. Does that mean the goth scene made them crazy murderer people? No. Does that mean that everyone attracted to the goth scene is crazy and wants to murder people? No. Is the website at fault, at all, in any of the murders, even slightly? No.

Besides, the kid had mohawk, right? Shouldn’t we be blaming Rancid?

^^ well put. but you’re missing the point. hes canadian. all canadians are murderers.

Oh, I forgot about that. F–ing canajuns and their constant murdering and crapping their pants!

I’m just glad he wasn’t a Yank… the death count would have been higher (only 1 fatality? Isn’t gun control hitting your target?)

Seriously, this just reminds me of all the sh17 that went on after Columbine. Columbine was the worst thing to happen to teens since the SAT’s, giving administrators and parents an excuse to persecute anyone who wasn’t “normal”.

Voices From the Hellmouth:

In my experience, Goths are some of the nicest people I’ve known :slight_smile:

Are they the most unique too?

:roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

They banned trenchcoats at my highschool after that. I remember the goths looked cold huddled in the hallway without their coats on.

We were reading Julius Caesar around that time and got to the part where Cinna the Poet gets killed by a mob simply for having the same name as Cinna the Conspirator. I suggested in class, “Isn’t that sorta what they’re doing to the goths?” My teacher didn’t see the connection.

there are some goths at school.

i have to say, some are very nice, like the nicest people i’ve ever met, but some are freaks and some of the worst people i’ve ever met.