Something naomi wrote about rationally evaluating danger led me to this, because the IDEA of threat/danger/RISK may be essential to excitment.
Like riding a roller coaster, without any tension aobut whether you’ll be injured, there ain’t much thrill. Then again, with too much tension (danger without much sense of arising victorious), the threat over rides any possible pleasure thrill, and that’s no fun.
Do you think you have to quiet the rational calculating mind to really enjoy sex? To enjoy other things?
Sexual excitement
R. J. Stoller
"Sexual excitement depends on a scenario the person to be aroused has been writing since childhood. The story is an adventure, an autobiography disguised as fiction, in which the hero/heroine hides crucial intrapsychic conflicts, mysteries, screen memories of actual traumatic events and the resolution of these elements into a happy ending, best celebrated by orgasm. The function of the fantasy is to take these painful experiences and convert them to pleasure-triumph. In order to sharpen excitement-the vibration between the fear of original traumas repeating and the hope of a pleasurable conclusion this time-one introduces into the story elements of risk (approximations of the trauma) meant to prevent boredom and safety factors (sub-limnal signals to the storyteller that the risk are not truly dangerous). Sexual fantasy can be studied by means of a person’s daydreams (including those chosen in magazines, books, plays, television, movies, and outright pornography), masturbatory behavior, object choice, foreplay, techniques of intercourse, or postcoital behavior. "