Nimbus Trials or Koxx Flight

Hey guys,

At the moment I have two unis, as in thread title, Nimbus Trials and Koxx Flight. I ride Nimbus and my cousin uses Koxx. This year I’m going to study at the university away from hometown and I have to choose which one of my unis I will take there. I will sell one of them to my cousin, some cash will definietely be needed when studying. I’m keen on choosing Nimbus caz it can be upgraded to KH. I know that it’s a stupid question and that it’s up to my taste, but you know, it’s just a conversation, what do you think?

You can also upgrade your K1 to a KH although it wouldn’t be much of an upgrade. I would choose the K1 cause it’s stronger, lighter, and nicer. But tit’s up to you!

I think I would stick with the Koxx as well, but as was said before, it’s your decision.

Is Koxx really stronger? It’s way lighter and it seems more vulnerable to me. I have four months to make my decision up. Thanks for comments, I will swap unis with my cousin and I’ll train on K1 for some time.

Nimbus Trials isn’t very popular, I didn’t find much information about it, but it was a decent purchase. K1 was a real bargain, I bought it for 900 złotys which is something like 229,112844771 euro.

Yeah, and I thought that training on heavier uni will make me fitter, after that I wiill hop on Flight.

RSU or JC?

The nimbus is is popular because Its cheaper

I have never any parts of my nimbus so idk if it is stronger or not. but all K1 flights are sexy looking though. but w hy don’t you swap parts from each uni to make it your own and you want?

I’d go with Nimbus for sure… I rode a K-1 uni and the Nimbus is WAY better IMO… The Nimbus frame is alot stronger than the K-1 because K1 frames are really thin to make them lighter. Anyway, IMO I would keep the Nimbus.

but you can costomize what you want. But still if your not a avid rider then the K-1 will be fine. I ride trials every day (you can see my video) and I have no problem so far with my K-1 frame even though in my video i used a KH one lol :wink:

nimbus is really strong.

never rode a koxx so i couldn’t tell ya how strong they are.

so is K-1

i would definitely go with the koxx wheel set. especially if you didn’t upgrade your nimbus wheel set to have moment cranks. koxx frames are plenty strong. i think i still have my first one (though i have broken 2 since haha) but it will last you a good while and allow you to use stronger and lighter posts than the steel nimbus ones. i think the thinner koxx seats are better for street and trials as well. the only thing i would change is put the maxxis from the nimbus onto the koxx wheel set. well that’s my 2 cents. good luck choosing.

Thanks for all replys.
I still have a plenty of time to make up my decision. I hope I will find which one suits me better, I’m not very experienced rider yet.


I certainly like the creepy more for trials. The Try-All is still awesome though!

CC’s grip is the only thing I like more for the trials.

i like bald maxxis better for trials :slight_smile:

Never used a bald one.

I might add that the grip only really affected me on this one line that was very slanted. The way the grip is on the CC helped me out a lot for that specific line. I guess I like the Try-All a little more maybe. Both good tires for me. :slight_smile:

I would take the koxx wheelset and seat and the nimbus frame.

I’d definitly take the koxx seat, sooo nice to hold.