I bought the green Nimbus Oregon 26’’ muni over at unicycle.com. Was at $850 but they had a special few days ago at $722. Wanting it for so damn long, I bought it along with some sweet Kris Holm clear blue pedals. I was so excited the week was the longest of my life and I had barely any sleep and now that its here I’m having issues. The normal one is the seat post which I can do easily and I expected that (it’s my third uni) but the Nimbus Oregon comes with this super wide tire and has this special valve on it. It’s not like a normal tire valve and I tried pumping it up with a car tire pump generator and even went for the hand-pumped bike pump but it’s the damn nozzle of the thing that is the problem.
What pump should I use for this? I never saw this type of valve so that’s why I’m asking you guys. Help would be greatly appreciated as its sitting there, mocking me, and I want to ride it so bad!
I only know of 2 type of tire valves. The Schrader which is the automobile tire style and the Presta which is the modern bicycle style of valve. If it’s the latter it will have a knurled locking nut which is loosened before inflation. If that’s what you have you need a pump with a Presta nozzle. If it’s something totally different I’d be interested in seeing a pic. Good luck and congratulations on the new uni.
Wow, that was fast. Alright, I’ll do some digging around and see if I got one of those. If not I’ll head to the bike shop. It is the one with the locking nut where I unscrew it. I didn’t know what it was at first but realized when I played with it. I’ll post when I get it up and working. Thanks a lot, all of you!
Yep, that’s a presta. Your LBS can help you with adapters or a pump. Be aware, if you get an adapter for your valve (or get a pump that’ll do presta), you can inflate your tube if it goes flat down the road.
I want to hug you all, even the men. It worked! It was super easy and I was lucky, called the shop up and they said ‘‘hurry up, we’re closing in 5’’. I cut the post (needs shaving because I suck at cutting), inflate or deflate tire a little (will see what results that makes), check if I can loosen the brake as it’s really hard (stops dead quite quick) and loosen the pedal cranks as I prefer a softer push. Read a lot about the Oregon 26’’ and many said the bad side was the big tire for road and being heavy. It is a TITANIC to turn and my legs are so sore I feel like a fat guy sat on them for a few days. I’ll get used to it, I’m sure. So apart from small preferences, I’m quite happy! Thanks a lot, I seriously would of not done it without you guys. If not, I would of needed to wait till Friday for my dad to come back and we all know a ride can’t wait.
If you have a regular bike pump made in the past 10 years, most have the ability to do both types of valves. The part of the pump that attaches to the valve stem comes apart, there are two pieces that come out (a rubber barrel shaped piece, and a hard plastic piece that fits behind it), you reverse them and put it back together and it will do presta valve stems.
It’s funny you mention that anton, cause I have a hand pump that does that. I had it set for schraeder for my tires, and my buddy wanted to use it on his bike. Went to put it on and lost almost all the air in his tire. We probably spent an hour up on the side of this freakin’ mountain trying to figure out how to get it to work until trial and error finally got me to switch those pieces around.