Nimbus Illusion Blue frame

Anyone made up a uni using this frame? Or has anyone bought one of the new Nimbus II Muni’s using this frame? Just trying to get an idea of the true color of it, as the pics of the Muni look much different then the pics of the frame itself…

That’s an interesting question and a weird frame. Maybe it has metalic flecs in the coating or something.

Yeah, it’s a bit off the wall.

Previously I have had no interest in this frame looking at the pictures of the frame itself. But when I look at the frame on the Nimbus II 29er Muni, I think ‘Daaaaaaamn!’

That’s why I’m looking for anyone that has acutally seen one. I emailed Josh too, hopefully he can shed some light…

A local kid has one. It’s super gnarly


I haven’t seen one in person, but it looks pretty awesome on the website, and it’s bound to be rock solid. I do wonder how heavy it is compared to the Oracle and KH 29" frames. I also wonder about clearance for fatter tires (as in 29" x 3"). We need to get after Josh to provide weights, measurements and maximal tire size for all the frames on the UDC site.

If you muni it,

you’re just going to ruin the effect of that powdercoat with a few dings.

The color is nice. It’s kind of a blue/purple metalflake.

As far as weight goes, it’s not a tank, but it’s not as light as the other options. It’s not rotational weight so it isn’t really that much of an issue.

Clearance is only good to about a 2.3 or 2.4. The Dissent looks to be too big, so a Knard is out. Ours currently has a 2.2 Bontrager in it and there’s some clearance (with a 38mm rim), but it’s not a whole lot. When you list a maximum tire size there are a whole lot of variables to account for, one of the biggest being that one company’s 2.4 is more like another’s 2.2. The Bontrager in it currently is a fairly voluminous 2.2.

It is a nice uni. We got ours a couple of years back because I had built a 47mm wheel for my 29er and we had an extra wheel laying around. My wife finds it to be her favorite distance uni.

I wouldn’t put Josh on such a project as listing all the weights and max tire size. He’s got enough to do- and there would be less to post about on the forums.

I want a steel frame. I know strength will be fine, I wish it was a round crown, but the color may make up for that.

It’ll be going on a 700c roadie, so dings won’t be an issue. Just trying to decide between this frame or the black round crown.

I have this frame, I really like the color. The pictures of the bare frame don’t do it justice. They are overlit, making the frame look like a lighter blue, and washing out most of the gold highlights.

The crown photo of the assembled uni (with the new Nimbus logo) has the most accurate coloration. Under flat light the frame is just blue with gold flecks. The paint also has a gold transition that moves around relative to the viewer, light source, etc. Because most of the surfaces on the frame are curved you see it as gold stripes (as seen in the second picture on the underside, away from the harsh white lighting.) The flat end-caps at the top of the fork will go completely gold when viewed at the correct angle.



Mad, thank you. That was what I was looking for!