Nimbus Cranks...

I recently purchased a nimbus trials uni from a local shop, i mostly bought it for the frame, it is the exact same as the nimbus sold on, the cranks and pedals dont seem that great and i was wondering what a good choice crank would be…i dont want anything to expensive i was thinking the Kris Holm Splined Cranks from are those a good choice? Thanks for your help


What cranks?

The Kris Holm cranks are of high quality. Unfortunately, you must purchase or steal a Kris Holm hub to go with them, and have it laced in. This is going to run you more than you payed for your unicycle. :angry:

If you are new to unicycling, don’t worry about it just yet. Break what you have first:D

After that, bicycle Euro cranks make a decent, economical replacement option :sunglasses:

And after that, if you keep reading this forum, you’ll know what to do:)

I’m planning on buying some Nimbus X cranks soon to put on my MUni. I’ll keep you posted after I ride them for a while

k thanks guys…and elmer thanks…i was worried about them not being compatible…thanks for the help