Hey, I remember this show, starring Nikki Cox. Then she starred in Vegas with James Caan a bit later. Watch the very beginning, where “someone” gets violently ill, and uses Nikki as “target practice”…twice, lol! (From Nov. 2000)
awesome, how did they rig up the vomiting dummy
similar to the little britain vomit machine?
and was it still a functioning dummy while it was in vomit mode?
Well, they had a heavy tube running up inside the dummy, with a guy off camera controlling the machine that pumped the stuff with all that force. It made performing with the dummy very difficult since it was taking up so much space inside, and also made it much heavier and off balance.
They used various yogurt types and flavors to get that “vomit” color and consistency. We did several takes until the aim was correct. In one take, the stuff hit Nikki in the face, lol! She wasn’t happy about that. I couldn’t eat yogurt for a good 6 months after that, haha!.