Nike Sb Regime

What are you guy’s opinion on this shoe. I was thinking about buying a pair because I need shoes really badly and I was wondering if: any of you guys have them and are they good for unicycling? (Street and Trials).

Dont get nike skate shoes. Anything but.

I use orchids. They are good. The sole isn’t super soft like a skate shoes so it doesn’t get chewed to hell and back, as quickly. Of course with this you sacrifice some grip. I just for some van’s hold school’s and love them also. The make Ody. Pc’s so griptakular. The only thing I don’t like about them is the thinness. I rely hurt the side of my foot smashing it off the pedal, the other day.

I wear new balance shoes, trail running series. They have good grip, even when wet, and are nice all around. Been wearing them for the better part of 4 years now, just got around to replacing them with a newer version. I will still wear my old ones for riding around and practicing.

These are what my new ones look like. With the odessay (sp) pedals, they grip like no other. Can barely adjust my foot when they are on the pedals.

Orchids are the most amazing shoes EVER. get them.