Nicotine is good for you...

… it’s the delivery system that is bad.

cool, i’ll start smoking! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Dopamine? Will that make me stupid?

Lucky for you, you’re body probably already produces plenty of it. :slight_smile:

Thank you.

You’ve obviously been very busy with your administration duties, Kevin dear, so little slips are to be expected from time to time. In your sentence above, the correct statement would have been “Lucky for you, your body already produces plenty of it.” “You’re” is a contraction of the expression “you are”. Given that Dave was the subject, I also would have left out the “probably” and taken a more assertive stance.

Thank you for all you do to support and sustain the unicyclist community dear. You so rarely slip that it pains me to see these minor infractions.


Actually, nicotine sucks

Even administered without tobacco, it has bad effects on blood vessels, which wrinkles skin. And almost as bad causes heart disease.
The point of this research was to learn about nicotines many positive effects.
The goal as I gathered it, was to learn enough about how nicotine works in positive ways, to create a new drug. Nicotine in it’s pure form relieves depression and anxiety, as well as other various good things. This is a wheat from the chaff kind of thing. Just smoking Marlboro lights may not be quite enough.
It is interesting how much of their basic research was founded on RJR’s work.

Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, AND increased heart rate, thus forcing MORE blood through NARROWER vessels. This unnecessarily stresses the heart, and over time, makes the heart prone to giving up such a wasteful task. Leads to heart failure.

Unicycling, on the other hand, strengthens the heart and the whole cardiovascular system!!!

Heart disease is almost as bad as wrinkled skin??

Worse, they can replace your heart these days but good luck getting all that skin transplanted.

Oh, Miss Ayelery, how you disappoint me. While “little slips” are to be expected from normal folks such as Gilby or myself, you, on the other hand, are quite different. Thus, it pains me to point out a small mistake I’ve noticed in your note to Gilby.

You’ll notice that in your second to last sentence, you seem to have left out the comma after “community” and before “dear.” Correct me if I’m wrong, as I know you will, but is there not a pause to be inserted there?

Dear me, ma’am, but have you been checked recently for senility, dementia, or other forms of mental degeneration? Are your teaching years catching up with you, my dear?

By the way, I think you’re hot. :wink:

you come across plastic sergury yet?

Have you come across someone who looks good all-plastic?