Next Uni/ Speed Question


I’m looking to buy a commuter (29 or 36) as my next uni. I’m leaning toward the KH29 as I can do MUni as well. I have a Torker LX 26 with 170mm cranks that I’ve gone 13 mph on flat ground, but cruising around 5 mph. If I got a 29er with 137/165 cranks, about how fast could I go? also, would 165s be long enough to climb hills on a 29er?


If you want to commute, go for shorter cranks. It’s possible to climb virtually any hill on a 29er with 125mm cranks; it’s all in the legs.

If you want to do dual-drill, go for 125/150, and use the 125 unless you’re doing MUni.

I agree. A 29 with 125 cranks can climb most any hilly road (and I have old lady wimpy legs). 150 for off road. 165s are too long and tiring (in my opinion).

On a 29" I like 140s for MUni (straight MUni but not too techincal), and 102s for road.

As said, you can do nearly any hill with 125s on a 29er. However, you should consider just getting dual hole cranks for convenience, and in case you find that you dislike one crank length.

When I had 125s on my 36er, (now have 102s) I could do any hill in Madison… and Madison is pretty hilly if you ride on the streets rather than the bike paths. Granted, that was before the winter when I was training A LOT. After winter my progress declined, but I’m getting there again.

Moral of the story: 125+=Good for hills, 125-=Good for speed. If you’re getting 125s on your 29er, you can expect to average 11-12 mph if it’s mostly flat over great distances, when you’re comfortable. Obviously, going shorter will increase speed, but not by a whole lot. I’m actually thinking of putting my 125s back on.

I say go with the 125s or 137s, but any higher on a 29er, even for MUni, might not be necessary. Handy, but you could certainly make do without.

If I recall, the top speed I typically reached on my Semcycle 29" with 110mm cranks was 15 mph. It was quite a lot of work. I think I typically maintained about 13-14 mph. On my Coker with small cranks, I could maintain 15-16 and hit top speeds just over 20.

I have a 26er, my top speed is similar, but cruising speed is between 10 and 17 km/h (~6 and ~10 miles), it depends on the road I ride. I use 100mm cranks. I think I could reach a higher top speed with longer cranks, but my cruising speed would go down.

If I was to try White face mountain with a 29er it would be better to have shorter cranks than the 145’s I have on their now. I guess the question is…how much easier?

It’s not easier with shorter cranks, it’s just faster. If you’re not certain you’d make it up, stick with the 145s.

Any way, my advice would be. Get some 125mm cranks and learn to ride your 26er with them. Maybe go down to 110 or 100 even (I’ll probably go up to 110 in the long run).

Once you 26er rides get smooth with the short cranks switching to the 29er should be much easier.

He’s right.
I bought a used 26er with 170s, and I immediately switched them for cheap 125ers.
This was well worth the approximately 0€ invested, for the uni is now ok for 6km/3.7miles.

What helped increase its usefulness too was the instalment of a mudguard -> recommended


there is not a huge difference between a 26 and a 29. Before buying a new unicycle I would experiment a bit with the one you have. find a cheep street tire and some shorter cranks (110-125 range) and see how you like the 26 as a street machine.

If you really like it and want something similar for commuting but want the 26 back the way it was go ahead and get a 29er, if you think you could handle a bigger wheel then go for the 36, just be aware that it takes more time and effort to mover the bigger wheel around obstacles like pedestrians.

Please tell us what you decide and how it turns out.

I have owned a Nimbus 29 for several years, and just recently got a 36. I ride both muni and flat roads/bike paths.

Muni is much more difficult on the 36. Aside from the control and leverage issues, you sit much higher (than a cyclist or on a 29) and thus will hit with your face many more branches, spider webs, leaves, etc.

If I had to pick only one uni, it would be the 29; it is the most versatile. I run 125/150 cranks on mine, which is perfect for switching between cruising/commuting and muni. I wouldn’t want to go any longer than 150mm for muni. I’ve tried going shorter than 125mm for cruising, but ended up returning to 125s for the added control in densely pedestrian areas, sudden stops, and weaving around obstacles.

On a 29 you can expect to cruise 9-12mph with 125s, in my experience.

Thanks for the advice everyone! My friend (muddycycle) actually took me XC MUni-ing and I used his 29. He rode his Coker. I had 170s on the 29, and it felt fine. I had to walk some uphills, probably because I’m out of shape. He rode the whole thing. After the ride, he let me borrow it. He moved to pedals to 125 holes (custom cranks) and I’ve managed to ride hilly roads ok. Still out of shape, but I could go a whole lot faster than my 26. I’ll probably save up for a KH29 with 125/150s.

  • Austin

Crank Length

Hi Austin,
I’m not really into the speed aspect, But the advice on crank length is correct. Thirty years ago my son wanted to ride a unicycle but was too small for even a “cut down”. So I made these for his short little legs because I did not know of double holed cranks. I’m sure they have something similar by now to test out different crank lengths before buying?