my dad is teaching me how to ride the unicycle and it is soooo much fun , if u guys have any tips for riding it , feel free to share!!!
Sure, check out the link in my signature to see the Unicycling Journal that I kept in my first 35 days with one wheel, complete with plenty of tips. Should be helpful.
Just one more thing, concentrate on staying on top of it instead of keeping it under you, otherwise neither one of you will obey. Wear shinguards, and the most obvious one, practice! You’ll have fun, I know!
stay on top keep your back straight dont hold the seat stay completely on the seat… all that
And even when you think you’re not gonna be able to do it, keep trying! It takes some people loads of time to learn, and others tiny amounts of time, but just go at your own pace and keep having fun
ps. don’t expect not to get hurt
Best advice so far from Samia.
Helmet. Gloves. Shin guards.
Since no one has said these yet:
Welcome to the forums!
That’s one more of us, one less of them.
dang I got beat to it.
read dudewithasocks uni journal - it is long but really really helpful.