Hello everyone. I have to admit, I’ve kind of been lurking in the shadows reading this forum for the past few years and recently decided to become a member. I think one of the reasons it took me so long is because every time I had a question, I would search the forum and get the answer. You folks are a wealth of information!
I’ve been riding off and on since I was a kid. A few months ago I purchased a KH36 from UDC and can’t believe how much fun it is. A bit of a challenge, but if we were quitters we wouldn’t be riding uni’s, right?
Anyway, I hope to be talking to many of you in the future:D
Welcome! No need to have questions here in Just Conversation. I almost never go into the main forum area. I don’t even unicycle much these days. But I still come to Just Conversation on and off because I’ve made friends here. If I stay away too long, I start to miss them. If there’s a place on the Internet that I can in some way call home, this is it. Glad you decided to officially join the fun!