Newbie madness (please look....and possibly sponsor)

So…I got my 20" beginner’s unicycle in May, well April-ish, and then I started doing a mile, 2 miles, 3 miles, I thought “I’m getting pretty good at this”, and now this has happened;

Just Giving: Barnstaple to Braunton on a UNICYCLE

Barnstaple to Braunton is 6miles, I only have a 20". Looking forward to it though, and raising money for the care home I used to work at which cares for adults of all ages with physical disabilities.

So, messages of support, and possibly small amount of money, would be very gratefully received :slight_smile:

I hope its a great ride. It’s a long way on a 20" but it won’t be too bad. Let us know more when it happens.

There will be training updates and pics, no worries :slight_smile:

Ill dude! Good luck!

It sounds like a good excuse to get another unicycle. :roll_eyes:


Only got this one in May :o but I have promised myself a 29er next year when I finish my degree.

Glad someone took the 20 seconds in MS Paint to make that picture. Looks great.

That’s a long time to wait. If you can do it, you’ve got more self control than I do.

It was me, I literally made the page before shooting out the door to an exam, I’d just got off the phone to the care home to get the all clear from them that they were happy with the plan, maybe took more like 40 seconds, but you aren’t far off :stuck_out_tongue:

My posture on the unicycle has improved a bit since that photo was taken thankfully!

I know. But I’m really aware of my ability to pick things up, get really super into them, and then forget about them a few months later. I just want to make sure I’m really sticking at it with unicycle before spending the money.

Your frugality is holding you back. How will you develop higher level unicycling skills if you refuse to commit?


Well I’m a little way off level 6 yet, maybe next year I’ll be there.

Thanks for the messages of support, they mean a lot, and thank you for the sponsorship that I’ve received!