Newbie looking for advice

Hey, do you know any really helpful internet sites about uniing or do you have any tips about freemounting and improving my tourning ability.



You could check out the post just below yours about what experienced unicyclists would have done had they started over again and maybe find some things there.

In general, I would say this is quite likely the most helpful sight there is in reguards to getting help with unicycling since you can actually talk to all sorts of unicyclists and don’t have just read a book or article that might not be specific enough. However, (I don’t blame you for not knowing this), the home page has a search option up at the top that could help answer any and all of your questions that have already been answered by others.

As far as freemounting goes: practice. Turning: just lean and think where you want to go, then do it. (that’s as basic as it gets, but hopefully it will help.)
