Newbie in Portland, Or

hi everyone. i figured i would take some initiative and introduced myself. i just got a unicycle June 4 so for a month. i have only practiced a little bit, probly only a total of an hour and a half.

i leave for boot camp for the marines in august, and after my training i plan on finding somewhere down in california (where i will be stationed) to get unicycling lessons in attempt to hopefully finally learn how to unicycle

also i have a 20" Torker Unistar LX. i was told it was customized with different parts like the seat, tire, and frame but i think the only custom thing is the colors. it also has a fat tire. its the one in my avatar:D

Welcome to the forums!
Hit up Ducttape. He’s a real sweet guy and a really good rider.
He lives just out of Portland

i will be living down in cali in about a month. i can only pedal a couple of times before falling over anyways. i dont really have time to learn until after my basic training for the marines anyways but its would be cool to kinda get to know more unicyclist around the home town and hopefully get to know some ppl down in cali too.

Look up Phil (Catinabag) and Madison (Ducttape). Madison lives in Hillsboro, I think, or beaverton, or something like that. Only a few mins out of Portland. Phil is in Salem, but it seems like he is up in portland quite a bit.

Down in Cali, there are tons of riders. Joe Cambell (I think I spelled his last name right) hes pretty awesome. Hes up here though. Just got done riding with him a few mins ago. But there is a sweet Muni club down there, some pretty ahrdcore riders of all styles flat, freestyle, street, trials, street. Its probably one of the more popular unicycling states.

Welcome! Portland is a good place, especially if you are 21 and can enjoy the local pubs. :slight_smile:

I’m down in the Portland area for the 4th of July holiday time to visit the parents and younger brother. Good coffee, good beer, good bicycling, good unicycling, what more could you want?

If you spend about 7 more hours of saddle time before boot camp I predict you’ll be riding (or at least wobbling around). General rule of thumb for teens is about 8 to 12 hours of on the saddle practice time and you’ll be riding to the point that you can wobble across a tennis court or even a little better.

wow i need to start practicing some more then. my problem is i have bad balance, and it will help when i go get the seat pipe cuz so i can lower it a bit more.

does that club in cali teach people how to ride?

Close, I live in Beaverton but my mailing address in Portland. I live up in the zoo area.

I remember that LX, the custom parts on it are the tire and pedals I think. I remember watching Yvette put that tire on that LX, you got a very nice unicycle there. I got your PM and I replied, sent you my cell number. It would be cool to meet up and give you a few tips if you wanted.

yea i got it from serious juggling. it has the fancy tire, metal pedals, sparkly black frame, and a chrome tire cap.

my brother grabbed one of the yellow torkers thats a bit more simplified then mine. i would try to get a pic but he is stationed in japan right now

where in japan? I’ve got a friend stationed in Okinawa at the moment, he doesn’t unicycle but he’s been stationed in Okinawa Japan as a mechanic in the marines for about a year now. My uncle is retiring from the airforce and was stationed in Okinawa for a few years, he doesn’t unicycle either though.

Semper fi!

my brother is also stationed in Okinawa:)

i dont remember the name of the base he is on but currently he is in charge of the rifle range, but here shortly he is being moved back to his normal base/job. he is an AAV mechanic. he is going on 2 years i believe.

That’s cool, I’ll have to write my friend he’s been out of boot camp for a little less than 2 years now. My uncle was a top marksmen in the marines when I was little he was a gunner on a helicopter for a while. Anyway, have fun riding and all that good stuff, See you 'round town sometime I guess.

I live in southern California kind of close to march air force base.

yea i dont know anywhere down there. im hoping to get stationed at camp penalton but i dont even know where that is.