New Zealand radio Kicks ASS

K I feel bad for making a new post for this but for those of you who havn’t experienced the joys of New Zealand radio, you are totaly missing out. I was getting bored of my music on my computer so I booted up Soulseek (probably the best thing to happen to pirated music), I noticed a person named audiosex was on and he normaly has good files so I checked out his stuff, started downloading some japanese bossa nova album, then checked out his user info. Apparently he is a DJ for KFM 106.9, there was a website so I checked it out and man it’s amazing!

So check it out, Definatly my favourite radio station in existance.

I’m listening to it right now. it’s pretty cool.

I’m curious to see how many of the New Zealanders listen to it.

Bet you’ve never heard of Voice of America.

It’s like our version of BBC, except nobody’s heard of it…

Damn, NZ radio kicks US radio’s ass.

That’s such a great radio!
I’m listening to it right now.

I don’t listen to it- wrong part of the country.

But another Auckland radio station is interviewing me at 0820hrs on Monday (NZ time) about UNICON. Listen in if you are bored :sunglasses: .
