New Zealand 4-square

Anyone here ever played New Zealand 4-square? It’s real fun.

Not sure. What exactly is New Zealand 4-square? Why is it caled NEW ZEALAND 4-square?

so it is like american 4 square where you bounce a dodge ball and try to hit it in opponents squares untill someone hits it out or bounces the ball twice?

Yes but with a twist. You use a tennis ball instead of a dodgeball. Also it’s like ping-pong in the sense that you let it bounce in your square then you hit it back in your square and then it bounces into someone else’s square.

so you have to bounce the ball in your square before you can hit it into someone elses? How do you slam the ball then?

You just have to angle it right. plus you can hit it on the fly into your square then it will (if you did it right) bounce into anothe square.

I’ve played using a basketball. It’s a great game!

I played that in school, with a tennis ball, in New Zealand. We just called it handball though. There was a few childish twists to our game that I can’t remember very well, something like when you were king you could claim “headsies” so everyone then had to play but only using their heads to hit it. “Pelvic thrusties” was quite popular on one day, this is going back about 10 years.

Re: New Zealand 4-square

Isn’t that a racial slander? My XC team has a lot of those. We do Indian Miles, Swedish Miles, Polish Sprints… The whole lot. Indian Miles are fun.

Sorry for the threadjack, by the way.