new york

anybody from the new york area? if so please wite the city and age.:slight_smile:

There are a ton of riders from New York, they even have their own club.

New York Unicycle Club (click me)

thats cool you live in syracuse. practically my whole family lives in a small suburb of it called jamesville. ever heard of it?

Poughkeepsie NY, age 50.

Greenfield, Saratoga County, foothills of the Adirondacks. 39.

The first unicycling world championship was held in Syracuse, in 1984. At the university. The US Nationals was also there, in 1983.

From 1984-1994 I lived in Wantagh, Westbury, Glen Cove, then Levittown, all on Long Island.

I am from New York, though I don’t live there any longer. Manhattan. I’m 44.

My wife is from Camden, NY which has about the same population as the apartment building my mother lives in in Manhattan. It’s not that far from Syracuse and I think, in fact, some people my wife’s family that still live in Camden know commute there.

Northern New Jersey, about 45 minutes outside of Mantattan.

Member of the New York Unicycle Club.

Age 40.

Hey, Klaas… If you were thinking about asking, I’ll save you the trouble. :slight_smile:

MUNIFREAK… what did you mean by the word “from”?

I assume you are trying to find out who lives in your area. I’m guessing you don’t care who used to live there. :slight_smile:

Manhattan, downtown, sort of on the border between Soho and the village.
Age 45.
Born in the Bronx, grew up on Long Island, lived in all 5 boroughs.
Never been to Syracuse, but I heard it’s a groovy place.

edit: I forgot to add, I’m also a member of the New York Unicycle Club–well, part time member actually, my attendence has been lousy lately…which is sad because I can finally freemount most of the time and I wanted to show off…

Cheech-49 yrs-Hawthorne,NY

Grew up in Setauket on LI and went to school upstate at Binghamton (great place to ride!)…now I live in Dallas… 25

Chosen…so you live in jamesville…that’s not too far from syracuse…actually i live in fayetteville a small town just outside of syracuse.(write back) wow i had no clue the first championchips wre held in syracuse that’s so cool!:slight_smile:

Albany, NY, (actually Delmar) - about 140 miles north of NYC.
I went to college in Binghamton.

OT: My “old-guys” ultimate (disc) team played last fall in a tourney back at my alma mater, and I actually still have my original SUNY Binghamton ultimate jersey, so I wore it to play in the tourney. When we played the home team, I showed them the shirt and said here’s where I learned and this shirt is from 1983. Their captain said none of the people on their team were born yet.

I HATE to resurrect a dead thread from 6 years ago, but hey, I need to find people who live around me to unicycle with! I’m from Binghamton, and I’m 16 years old. I feel like an idiot posting on a thread that’s been done for 6 years. Haha.

Erie, PA not far from New York…

Where in North Jersey? I’m in Parsippany.

Brooklyn NY

Age 53 riding for one year.