New Wristband

peanutbutter&jelly or ham? (thin sliced, i really dont wanna choke like that other guy) or one first then the other second and vice versa. thanks for the info , thuogh , ill do that tommrow

I think talking to cats and Hamtaro are pretty “LAME” as you say it.


Eat a peanutbutter, bannana, and bacon, and ham, and marshmallow, and orange slice, and pickle, and jelly sandwich then for the second go with something original… like grilled cheese.

And talking to nobody who cares isn’t… Yah thats right. Walk away. Don’t mess foo, or you’ll get shanked.

Foo, nice. Thats real original did you come up with that one yourself or was fool just too much mentally for you to comprehend, and then shanked? What the hell does that mean? There you go making up words again. Just calm down and walk away.


Whoa that post was harsh, I don’t really want a flame war! Sorry Catboy.



I never said that and I’m pretty sure thats against some law, or at least a forum law. :smiley:



i seriuosly hope your not actually gonna wear that when your unicycling

because then i would have to go up to Washington and personally kick your 11 year old ass


Oh and whatever guy who quoted me. Yeah dude turtles rock. I’m gonna marry one. Why do you have a problem with my sexual orientation? Are you bashing me because I am attracted to turtles? Thats against some laws for sure. Man you better not ever be within 50 miles of me because I will get all my turtle lovin friends and we’ll kick your ass.

oh I know dude, aren’t turtles like the epitome of all that is cool?
At my school, the environmental club went to Mexico to save the baby turtles, but I didn’t get to go. ): Next year I will, it’ll be totally sweet. I think I’ll bring one of the turtles home, and have him as a pet.

this comment belongs in the …

“this sentence is false” thread … heheh

Do I sense a boatfacing brewing?

i dont agree with pink because its desperate for attention. Be cool without the pink…be a man

BOAT FACE for this whole thread
Except for Mike of course


I like that wristband… Even though I don’t usually like wristbands I think I’d wear that one. That skull with the bow is one of the funniest things I’ve seen… Might wear something like that when I go to the gym to do squats or deadlift :slight_smile:

ps. saminsaneman, if you go kick his eleven year old ass, I’ll come and kick your fourteen (or something like that) year old ass until your nose bleeds or I get blood on my shoes :wink:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Way to dig up a 5 year old thread on your third post.

I’m guessing you’ve got the Search Function figured out?

A clear case of wristband spam if I ever saw one!