New Video: Soul of Unitrial

Hy unicycler

This is a Trial video from me. I hope you will enjoy it.

Greets Simon from Tirol

Definitely enjoyed it!

Great scenery too. Is that Switzerland, and if so, approximately where?

it is in tirol in austria. 1radler and unischpinner come also from there.

I’m also from there…:slight_smile:
Cool Video!!! Great edding

Nice, it was way better than I expected. But I have to ask, did you ever learn to go straight to rubber?:stuck_out_tongue:

:astonished: :sunglasses:

Awsome riding. Good editing. The music was too heavy IMO.

Do you ever not have a huge smile on your face:p

Stop going to pedal you pansy:p .
Just kidding, I’m just pissed that I still can’t pedal up.

I still go pedal to crank to rubber 95% of the time.

I liked this, it had some really really clean lines. Try and do more lines in your next one with no bouncing, makes for a really good video.

Thanks for all compliments. I am really happy.

Mfg Simon from Tirol