New video Koxx One "Childhood Friends"

Hey Guys,

This is a last video for Koxx-One

Enjoy and if ouy’ve got any comments

Rom. :wink:

awesume as usual.
I love the hop over the wheel at 1 min 45 sec!

This vid is really good. I love your varial flip into backroll and Adrien’s 720 unispin. Cool flat combos too.

gosh i love french flatland…

Awsome :sunglasses:

Looks like there were a few new tricks in there:)

Why do Koxx videos never load for me?

Always just a blank page…

Right click on Matt_V’s link and ‘Save Target As’ then you’ll get it;)

thank you.

awesome vid.
720 u-spin was tight.


Interesting, I have never seen a link like that in my 7 years of being a dorky internet junkie.

we will se a video of you!!!
than we can deside how good are you
(sorry for my bad englisch)

hey, i hate weber-julli. ahh…