New Unicyclist Website

Hello this is Isaac LeMasters and Connor Helser the new founders of Primero Productions. We have created a new website that is going to be primarly used for selling our t-shirts, hats, and various other items. We have a forum that we would like you all to go and try out! accounts are free like they always are and the site is a new look from . In the next week we will have hats, more t-shirts, and FREE stickers! So please go check out WWW.WHONEEDS2WHEELS.COM

Its the new you just dont know it yet ! haha

check it out

-Isaac LeMasters and Connor Helser

… interesting.

however if you need feedback heres mine

  1. not much unicycle stuff on the skin of that website (onething that is missing too)
  2. The account, forums, and downloads buttons at the top are too small and a bit hard too find at first.
  3. forums are very nice though
  4. uhm i’m a bit confused by the search thing

that’s pretty much it. Good job, I wish i could make a website… :frowning:

whoa man, hold up…why do we need a NEW whats wrong with the one we have now eh?



I created this website not to destroy My purpose is to promote our t-shirt business and promote the wonderful sport of unicycling that we all like. This site should not be looked at as a competitor of but a companion. I hope to see more people using both sites and enjoying talking about unicycling!

Thank you very much

-Isaac LeMasters

That’s cool good for you

It was this comment that led us to think otherwise (but I guess you know that):

Merchandise Is At Least Up!

Hello the merchandise page is at least up and rockin. Just wanted everyone to know whats going on. Your input is greatly apprciated so please feel free to get an account on and post in the forums. These shirts will also be making an apperence on ebay this week!


and keep it real unicyclist!


Slick page layout! me likes me likes

Haha, I love the stay single shirt. I need to find $13…

What to expect soon

In the next week you will be able to find at least 2 new designs of shirts new colors, and hats. These will be able to be purchased on ebay as well the site look at the center of the homepage for a link to Primero Productions.

Thanks a bunch!

Isaac LeMasters

I love those shirts I want one of each design once I get money. My only question is can you get more small shirts?

small shirts

We can get whatever size that you need. I am currently gonig to be making some small blacks and such
no worries ill change on the site as soon as i have them in stock but if you ordered they will be in stock.
thanks a bunch!

-Isaac LeMasters

go get an account and give me some ideas in the forum section!


What would you guys do about unicyclist trucker hats? at a price around 10 bucks? good or bad?



Shirts Are On Ebay

Ok here are some links to the shirts on ebay. Just wanted to let everyone know what was going on. Here are the links. Also dont forget to see newer shirts on

Thanks a bunch


IsaacSLeMasters, on your merchandise page,, you say that you are ‘excepting paypal, money orders and mail orders’ when you should be ‘accepting paypal, money orders and mail orders.’

Nice shirts!

hey just a suggestion, since you’re putting the link to your page in every post, you could just put it in your signature and it would show up automatically with every post…

Im not sure if English is your first language but… You need to go over some of what you have said on ebay. I found alot of mistakes.


like i said before

Like I said before I am not trying to convert the unicyclists to use my site rather than this one. I am simply just adding another site out there that fans of unicycling such as ourselves can enjoy. Well keep it real on one wheel and enjoy that there are other people out there who like to share what they do on the one wheel machine.


May I ask why? Also, if there is a reason, what can I do to improve this site to meet the user’s needs?


I like your site just fine. I am primarly using mine to promote my store and unicycle merchandise. my forum is more of chatting about my merch and stuff. Iam not trying to covert users. no worries man.
