new unicycling video

hey all. im in the process of making a 30 minute streetriding unicycling video. as im guessing its gonna be mostly unicyclists who buy it, i was wondering what you’d like to see in it? big drops, grinding ledges, gaps, handrails? it’ll most likely be out around the end of this coming summer and hopefully a trailor before the summer. so any suggestions for the vid would be great. and its gonna be called “monkeylamp”. (dont ask how we came up with it) theres gonna be about 5 riders in it probably.
so please give me any advice you have!
lates, Kevin

Sounds sweet! Anything in the video would be great, but I’d love to see a grind or two. How much will it cost, do ya think?

Good luck!

new unicycling video

First tip:

You really ought to move this thread over to Rec.Sport.Unicycling.

I think a lot more people read that forum than this one
(for instance, the Usenet folks don’t see Just Conversation unless they come to the website),
so you’ll reach more potential viewers over in Rec.Sport.Unicycling.

thanks… i’ll move it over in a just a sec. this is the first time ive posted anything on this site, so i wasnt sure where to put it.
see ya, Kevin