i have been riding for about 4 1/2 months and i have a 20" blue SUN. i want to get better so i need a new unicycle and i want a trials. can anyone please tell me what the best choice for me thats under $250.
For that price, You can get a Torker DX, Ill warn you now though, the frame has a weak-point, which will probably brake after a good 4-6months of hard riding on it.
But think of it this way, you save up enough money to buy a torker, but wait, for about another 50-70 dollars, you can buy a qu-ax, a little more and you can buy an onza, a bit more and a Koxx, a little more and you can get a KH.
But if you want one in a hurry, the DX is great, everything is great except the frame, which has a lifetime warranty on it, so you can get a new one anyways, or replace it for a strong, lighter frame, that is only about 50 dollars.