New trickes for me!!! How about you

I have tried one footed seat drops, i have done some but my foot only comes off for a second, im sure yours are alot better:)

I can do that a little.

But I can’t do it to much standing on the cranks, I stand on the downward pedal and lean the wheel on my leg. More like a seatdrop stillstand I guess…

And I landed a 180 unispin with my eye’s closed… Don’t know if I should keep practicing that…

how do you do a seat drop?
I get my feet on the cranks and drop the seat but the seat always goes down too low.

If it falls to low that GOOD just Lean back pulling the frount peddal up and pick it up.

Oh, I didn’t know you have to lean back. I’ll try that.

Well you dont have to but it makes it easer to pick it up.

I managed my first kick-up mount a couple weeks back.

Do you mean no foot on the frame? I’ve never heard of a two foot glide - I think “one foot” glide is the only one I know of.

He means gliding with one leg extended

last night I had a dream where I finally nailed a crankflip…but then I woke up and was quite disappointed that it wasn’t real…and its still snowing…

man, ive learned even more than before this got bumped. i grinded about 2 feet like 2 weeks ago but didnt ride out. 2 fts about the record for me. still cool. also as i keep sayin im about to land my first 360 unispin. its gonna be dope when i do.

yep thats what i mean. its in part one of my video in my gallery. check it if you care. itsa easy if you can glide- jsut slip the foot off the frame and apply a bit more pressure.

Ya, me too

i finaly got: grinds, 180 unispins, seat in front, hopping to hopping on wheel, wrap around, spin mounts, and today i almost got a few wheel walks, i can wheel walk about 8 feet but today i almost got my feety back on the pedals. and finaly i learned how to hop up an 18" ledge.

I’ve been able to get the kick-up mount a couple of times