New trick invented!!.....Maybe

Fulli SYK man!!! “BACK PLANT” all the way bro!!! :astonished: :smiley: :sunglasses: :roll_eyes: :slight_smile: :wink: :astonished: :astonished:

aww come on, it should be spiderman plant. I mean bmxers have unexplanitory names like fufanu and superman, skateboarding has japan airs and stale fish but unicycling tricks, every last one of them is straight to the point and boring like uni spin:what could that be? where you spin your unicycle? wheel walk: where you walk on the wheel,crank flip: where you flip the cranks in a circle,coast: where you coast. like all we have that some people might not be able to figure out by its name is idling wich is still pretty explanitory I think. so i think it should be spiderman plant/ spider plant because otherwise all unicycle tricks will sound lame. i guess its not as unexplanitory as stale fish but its still more interesting than back plant:where you to a wall plant on your back.

just looked at that, and that has some real potential. There could be some sickass combos worked into that thing, like, jump off uni, spin 180 degrees in air, pop off wall and land with the seat backwards…

cool with a capital C.

buddy hold uni by a wall, you run up and do a wallflip, (back flip off wall), land on uni, ride away…

Now there is an extreme mount for anyone ballsy enough to try =p

That is a really good point. Spiderman is still pretty explanitory but it sounds cool too. Im gonna call it backwards spiderman or fakie spiderman or sumthing, but i guess people will call it whatever.

Fakie spiderman definatly cause you ride up fakie.


why not fakiefootplant ?

what about the trey flip…or the donkey kick…or the backflip…or the sex change?
or the koosh koosh?

how is superman not self-explanitory? it looks like superman when you do it!

ok fine not superman then, other bike tricks without explanitory names, like candybar, E.T., Kiss of Death, toboggan, elephant glide, hitchhiker… the list goes on. but unicycling we dont have those types of names, not all but a good portion of tricks are made up of a noun for the first word, and a verb for the last word.

uni(noun) spin(verb)
wheel(noun) walk(verb)
seat(noun) drag(verb)
seat(noun) push(verb)
tire(noun) grab(verb)

I know that that i’m not entirely right but i’m just trying to prove a point as to why it shouldnt be called “back plant”

I like descriptive names better…if you say you did a unispin then a non rider might have a clue what you are talking about but if you said you did a candybar people would think you are crazy. Then you get alot more threads titled “what is a _____” Some people here can’t tell what a crankflip is from the name, you would confuse them alot more if you named it something completely random…


Call it the lukeplant
u need some cred for it

thats just ridiculous!

coz if that were the case then u would have tricks named after the rider whom it was created by !!

it would sound really ridiculous and in time, ppl would start calling it another name then the old name would be forgotten, so u mayswell start with a good name so it doesnt get changed in future!!

amen to that !


good point

id have to agree, this is the best name yet

y not just a wallplant? then it could be fakie wallplant ect.

now try to back flip, sucide back on then uni out backwards :astonished:

skateboarders have the cab+whatever ie: cab-flips, cab-180s etc. and I believe they’re named after Steve Cabanero (or someone whose name sounds something like that- please correct me if i’m wrong anyone); so why not? :sunglasses:

… oh and sick trick btw, i definately love the variations too!:wink: