New toys

New toys for the dorm:

Over the weekend my friends went back down to Sierra Vista and picked up some more guitars to play with. We already had the Fender bass and the small amp in the dorm, but they picked up an acoustic, a five string bass, an electric, and a bigger amp. In the back left you can see one of our nice big speakers.

Finally my college education can begin. :stuck_out_tongue:

whats that on the side table next to the bed eh?

looks like IBC rootbeer to me


Close. Cream soda. :slight_smile:

Cool, I was actually expecting to see robots or something.:wink:

IbC cream soda…
looks like the '06 packaging. yum. you get it when… last week?

i love ibc sodas.

So was I! at first I thought it would be something juggling related untill I saw spudmans name, then I thought of robots…

is that 5 sting an ibanez??



EDIT: looks like 2 Fenders, the Ibanez, and the acoustic resembles a Dean, but I cant tell from the logo being so small, but those wings are pretty convincing.

I Like I like those are some mighty fine looking geetars

I only leart to play smoke on the water today but its a start