New to Unicycling...?

So I’m thinking of taking up Unicycling. I’ve seen people around my city doing it - and it looks fun. But I just wanted to know if its more of a recreational thing, or if its something that would be suitable for transportation - getting from point A to point B, you know?
Of course I would probably learn tricks and play around with it a lot, but I wanna know if it’d be practical to use to get from my apartment to the bus stop or anything?
Any help to a potential newbie would be great!! :slight_smile:

Great to have you here…and the answer is yes a Uni is perfect for getting to the bus because you can take it on with you and step off the bus and ride away.

Info like your height and the distance you want to travel will help us answer questions better. Some riders on this forum travel several miles to work daily.

I got hooked to my 26" uni right away and I am driven to be as good as the other folks on this forum. Riding a uni is the best exersice besides swimming I have ever done and it is super duper mega kick ass FUN!! :smiley:

Well thats good to know. :]
I’m about 5’4… I think. I’d probally be traveling no more than 4 or 5 miles at a time - unless I feel like riding all the way to downtown. Usually it’d just be to the bus stop and back though, or the store just down the street.

It looks like a lot of fun. I do want to be a bit better informed before I go and buy my first uni though. I don’t want to just waltz into the store (or onto eBay) and be like “GIVE ME YOUR BEST!” haha. What kind of things should I look for? What are good brands and stufF?

for learning a 20" unicycle is probably the best. As for the distances you want to travel, while still being able to get on the bus a 24" uni would be good for the job. They too are good for learning on. I’d recommend nimbus unicycles personally, they’re good quality, strong and don’t cost a bomb lol.

As you only really want it for commuting and clearing at the moment you don’t need to spend too much either so asking for "the best"would set you back a lot when you could get away with something cheaper.

If you don’t mind a constant barrage of witty comments from all and sundry, a 24" unicycle is a nippy way of getting around at twice walking speed with very little effort.

Thanks 1-wheeled-grape and Mikefule for the information. :slight_smile: I’ll probally take your advice and go with a 24’’. I’ll definitly look into Nimbus brand when I go in to get my first unicycle. :]