hello, i am looking at buying my first unicycle. i don’t want to spend much as i don’t even think that i’ll be able to ride it! i have looked on ebay and there are lots to choose from.
i am 6 feet tall and unsure weather to go for a 20" wheel or a 16" wheel?
can anybody help me in my search for my first ride??
deffinitely atleast a 20", 16" a re for people too small to fit on a 20. Depends which country you;re in but the torker LX is very popular in the states for beginners.
Yeah, definitely get a 20" wheel. 16’s are only for short people, and at 6 feet you’re definitely not short lol. Plus it’s a common size for little kid’s bikes, so finding tubes for it is alot easier.
As for quality, learning on a nice uni is way easier than learning on a crapper, but then again, if you don’t like unicycling then you’ll have spent several hundred dollars on a useless machine. It’s a tradeoff. So if you’re not sure about the whole thing, I’d go with a cheaper unicycle then upgrade if it grows on you. Or gamble and buy a nice one that’ll last forever. Your choice really.
A 20" or 24" regular freestyle unicycle would be what you want for learning.
A challenge for adults and those in the 6’ and up range is finding a 20" unicycle that has a long enough seatpost and neck so the seat can get high enough. Many standard 20" unicycles are more suited for people who are more vertically challenged (short) since they tend to come with shorter necks and shorter seatposts.
Best bet would be to call or email Unicycle.com UK. Tell them your height and inseam length (full inseam from the highest part of your crotch to the floor with shoes on) and they can suggest a unicycle that will fit.