New to this awsome sport and need help!

I have been able to ride a unicycle and 5 ft. unicycle for 5 years now. I am 17 now and unfortunatly I just learned all the stuff you could do. I have the giraffe, a 19in torker which I bought for no more than 80 bucks, and an old 24inch schwin which was the unicycle I learned to ride on. Anywayz is it possible to do any tricks of some sort on my torker because I just started to try to do something other than riding forwards and backwards and it seems impossible. Im assuming I need a better seat but is it even worth spending 40 bucks on a seat for such a bad unicycle? Now I am looking for a unicycle but I have no idea what I want. I live in the midwest and right near me are some hilly dirt trails in the forrest. I am looking for a unicycle which I could ride there and at the same time learn hops and such. I was looking at the Torker DX but I know nothing about this so please help me out soon before the summer is over!

the DX will last you through learning and FAR beyond.
its a great unicycle, and its worked for everything i’ve used it for.
I’ve taken it off 5-6 foot drops and it holds up just fine.

The torker DX would be good, it is the cheapest you can go for a good, strong uni.

You can still learn a bunch of tricks on your torker. You said its a 19" but that would mean a trials uni (like the dx) so you probably have a normal 20".

Check out, it will be your new best friend.

what should I first be trying to do on my torker(it is 20 in)? My seat is really small…do I need one of those bigger seats or is that not really necasary for begininer tricks?

What kind of torker do you have now? Torker CX? Torker LX?

With either one of those you should be able to learn all of the basic tricks, like 1 ft riding, wheel walking, hopping, etc.

Im pretty sure its the CX. So I dont need a bigger seat to hop? And how or where can I learn to ride one footed or with no feet on pedals because those are the only skills I cant find info about.

The CXs are known for their crappy seats. :stuck_out_tongue:

Since it doesn’t have a handle, hopping is a little bit more difficult to do. You should still be able learn most freestyle tricks on it, though. Search through these forums and also check out (as mentioned above) for some guidance on learning some tricks.

If I were you I’d look into getting a new unicycle, too. Do some looking around to find the type of riding you want to get into, then you check out to find one that fits your needs.

Two last things. What kind of seat do you recomend to replace my torker’s because while practicing today it actually broke. Also, can I still do some trials stuff on the Torker DX 24 inch. and visa versa for the 20 inch trials torker DX? Also, how hard is it to learn the one footed peddling because I have been practicing it all day and I dont seem to be making any progress. Does it just click? thanks

I like the KH style seat, but a replacement Miyata saddle will do. It kinda depends though, did you break just the saddle, a handle, or the seat post?

Yes you can do trials on a 24, and specially on the 19" DX, and you can do muni on the trials and easily on the 24" DX. It just isnt really the same when using a muni for trials or a trials for muni.

Learning to ride one-footed isnt too hard, search around there are some guides written up just for learning it.

I highly recomend the DX, and the 24" version will probably suit you well. The 20" version just makes some freestyle tricks and jumping a tad easier. If you are just going to invest in a new seat then look here. I prefer the Torker LX saddle for freestyle stuff, but most people prefer the bigger Kris Holm saddles (They are a bit more comfy for long distance)

I disagree with Spudman…my friend has the 24" DX, and in my opinion, it really holds him back sometimes…

Ok, I’m that friend, and no, it doesn’t hold me back…it’s just a little steeper learning curve for tricks. But I’m always glad I have it when we ride any sort of distance because I don’t get tired out nearly as fast. is awesome for learning tricks. You can use your unicycle to learn some basic tricks. Also the dx is awesome