Hello everyone!
I’ve been unicycling for a bit more than a week, and I love it, I can’t stop unicycling.
Also I’ve been around the community and it seems like a pretty cool forum, so I decided to finally register and be part of it.
oh and yeah my name is Angello I’m from Sleepy Hollow, New York. Not many unicyclers in this town, but I’ve managed tog et people interested and one of my friends has a unicycle.
haha lol actually yeah, this is where John Irving lived and where he based the story on, he’s buried in a cemetery pretty close…this is also where one of the rockefeller lived so there’s a giant park that used to be their house
Well I’m only 18 and I’ve done track in high school so I guess I don’t have trouble running out of air yet, but I do have problems with my legs getting too tired (which I assume is me putting too much weight on pedals and not in the seat, or my saddle being too low, or both)
and yeah I mean I juggle so I wanted to try unicycling plus juggling so I bought one on amazon and just learned. Now, however, I don’t wanna do juggling anymore, I’m more interested on mountain unicycling, which I have already been kind of trying