Just found this site and wanted to say hi. I’m a second generation rider but have just decided to get in seriously (learned when I was little). My dad and his brother both rode in a club in Michigan that won lots of awards and did lots of parades and all that. My uncle is even credited to riding a 20’ notice the ’ and not ". Thats right 20 feet tall. Crazy stuff. Anyway just thought I would say hi.
Nice to have ya. The forum grows bigger every day.
one more of us one less of them
GILD always says
well there’s hardly one more of us, JUPH4M has been riding for a long time now, longer than either of us i would imagine
Probably not but thanks for the credit. I learned when I was 6 or 7 and am 20 now, but didn’t do it regularly. Bought my girlfriend a uni recently but don’t actually own one of my own. Been riding one of my dad’s old schwinns but should be buying one here soon.
Welcome juph4m! So why the mystery? You are a son of either Floyd or Clyde Crandall, from the old Pontiac Unicycle Club (I’m guessing)! Be proud! shout their names! Some of us remember. So what kind of riding do you do? Pontiac’s gone, but the club down in Redford (an outgrowth of Pontiac, in case you didn’t know) is still around. Any third generation riders yet?
Actually I’m sun to Dave Upham and his brother is Andy. Andy rode the 20 footer as I’m told. No third generation riders yet as I am only 20 and the oldest of the kids between them is 24. And you were right on the Pontiac Unicyclists.
Right now I’m just a casual rider but looking to get into some trials for when I go back to Clemson next semester.