Not really unicycle related but I figure I’d show off my new ink
Whatever anyone tells you about tattoos on the inside of your arm hurting like you know what, its not really true. There was maybe 10 min toward the end of my 3 hr session that hurt and that was just touching up the highlights. It’s still kind of red but here it is…
Nice tattoo. I just got my first one 2 weeks ago. Is this your first? I can tell you that the 2 or 3 days after i got mine hurt the most. The actual tattooing didn’t really hurt and I went 2 hours straight through. Here’s a pic of mine.
I have to say that it hurt quite a bit getting all three of mine. Not outrageously, but it hurt. The Egyptian juggler took 2 hours and 45 minutes and I was very glad at the end that it was over because I was not sure I could go much longer.
On the flip side, I’ve healed quickly on the all and only had minor discomfort during the healing process.
i gotta get some pics up of mine. it’s of the logo from the cross country biek trip/juggling show i was on a few summers ago. it’s basically seager’s avatar. pics to follow sometime.
I’ve got a tattoo of a polynesian juggling man but need a unicycle…Been promising myself a unicycle tattoo for ages, unfotunately proper unicycle purchases keep geting in the way.