I’ve got a klingon in my boxers…
…I should’ve wiped better.
I’ve got a klingon in my boxers…
…I should’ve wiped better.
I saw it and I think:
Best one ever and a great set up for many more to come.
Can’t picture those two episodes, but I’m sure I’ve seen them(many years ago). I was hoping to see Captain Pike more “mess up” than just a wheel chair. Maybe that will still happen to Pike.
what did spock find in the enterprises toilet?
the captains log
I saw it last night and I thought it was very well made and understandable to anyone. And this is coming from someone who’s never seen a single movie or episode of Star Trek. Before last night, the most I knew about Star Trek was that they had goofy looking clothes, and yet I could follow the story easily. They did a good job, but I’m still not going to turn into a Treky.
Star Wars is still better.
LOL, very funny.
Actually, I like them both very much. I don’t really compare them, either. They are apples and oranges. Some die hard Star Wars fans hate Star Trek. I wonder how many of us like both Star Wars and Star Trek?
Two words: Jar Jar.
it was great!
this movie was everything that the 3 new star wars movies should have been…
Two more words: HE SUCKED!
Ok, more words…Jar Jar Binks was easily the worst thing about The Phantom Menace.
Best thing about The Phantom Menace was the trailer.
The best thing about Star Trek (the TV show and the movies) was Kirk stealing the Enterprise in The Search For Spock.
I like both Star Wars and Star Trek.
Looking forward to catching the new movie tomorrow.
My fav Star Trek movies are, “Wrath of Khan”, and “The search for Spock”. I remember seeing the original Star wars at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood, in May 25, 1977. The line stretched around the block! It was, and still is, a phenomenal cinematic achievement. The story, the perfect casting, the amazing special effects (at the time state-of-the-art). I saw the next two with the same lead actors but the last three paled by comparison imo.
Well at least he was better than the guy on the left in the picture Terry posted.
Nah, that was a pretty awesome character… made for an epic fight scene:
I watched the new Star Trek movie last night, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Not nearly as bad as what I was expecting.
I love reading the comments to that clip! They’re hilarious!
One of my favorite scenes.
A lizard man with emphysema!
is that a real alien footage??
Watch how the lizard guy throws the boulder and barely throws it a few feet and then the camera changes with the boulder way up in the air. lol.
This is an amazing display of fight choreography!
They could have at least sped the footage a bit. That would have helped a little.
This is hardcore. It Makes Fight Club look like a bunch of pussies!
No shit sherlock.
This fight scene is so bad, that its f##kin hilarious. lololololololl.
it reminds me of all of that crap wrestling on tv.
I’d kick that dionsaur’s ass.
Classic! I love how the rock the Gorn throws looks like it’s going to land about 5 feet in front of him and then somehow manages to make it 30 feet up the side of a mountain at a totally different trajectory!
Captain’s log…unknown. The Creature…appears…to be restricted by its…rubber suit…which makes it…impervious…to my hurled styrofoam rocks. Perhaps a…future series…of Star…Trek will make a Gorn…through CGI…who I’m sure will be…equally unconvincing.
It should. The “next” time we see Pike, in the episode titled The Menagerie" his face is all melted/burned, and that’s all we see because the rest of him is enclosed in a full-body wheelchair. That looks like it’s from the 1950’s (think Forbidden Planet). I will assume he’s going to recover fully from his injuries in this movie, and something much worse will happen to him later.
In Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan, they used the same critters to get information and obedience from Chekov and his captain. These were baby ones, and they entered through their ears. But they looked pretty much the same as the one used on Pike. But I can assume other forms of torture were used on him.
Also I assume he gave them the information they were looking for. For two reasons:
So what were those two episodes that get invalidated by this movie? The Cage was the pilot. It was never shown as The Cage (though I managed to TIVO it off a local station the other day). It was filmed in 1964 (the series debuted in 1966) and later made into a 2-part episode (The Menagerie), where most of that episode were used as flashbacks. That was the Enterprise, with Spock as the Science Officer (I think) but not second in command, and none of the other characters that got tossed into the mix in the new movie. But the movie Enterprise was supposed to be brand new?
Jeffrey Hunter, the actor that played Pike in The Cage, could not be used in the later series because he was dead. But he would have been just as good as William Shatner/Kirk.
The second episode of the original series, Where No Man Has Gone Before, has an older James T. Kirk in command, with Spock in the second position, and still no McCoy. Can’t remember if Sulu and Uhura were part of that crew or not. Also Kirk had an old friend of his, played by Gary Lockwood, who gets killed in that episode. In fact he looked a lot like the guy playing the young McCoy, so from previews I assumed that’s who it was supposed to be. Based on their conversations in that episode they had a lot of history together.
After those two early episodes, it’s the crew we had from then onward. But they’re all at least several years older. This new movie should not have felt like it needed to bring all the old characters together on a brand-new Enterprise. It was kind of like tying up all the loose ends in Star Wars Episode III. They left it where basically nothing happens until Luke & Leia grow up and go to Tatooine…
And then there’s the other inconsistencies with the original series’ universe. Are we to believe that time travel changed the timeline, basically resetting all the history of all the subsequent series’?
Who can name all six of the Star Trek TV series’ that were done?
Most seem to agree with Wrath of Khan being the best, but I prefer First Contact. Does that count? Or do we have to count the Next Generation movies separately? And if we do, where do you put Generations?
This new movie invalidates the storylines of the 3rd and 4th movies too, BTW, unless you go for the “changed timeline” theory. Time travel can really make a mess of multi-episode and multi-movie stories!
I agree. And the next three, though rich in beautiful CGI, were even worse in terms of script and storyline… I also still remember the date and overwhelming crowds for the first Star Wars.
There were other spinoffs? Hmm, that’s a new one on me. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Chekov, Uhura…The original, first and best.
The original series, the cartoon, the next generation, deep space nine, voyager and enterprise.
I didnt mind JarJar.
Anyways, I like both Star Wars and Start Trek. Not a fan of Star Trek shows though, but the movie is great.
The latest 3 star war movies I liekd when they first came out, but now I cant sit through them at all.
I had to.
The new Chekov is super cool! I found all the new replacements complements to the originals. Even Capt Kirk which would be the hardest shoes to fill.
I see what you were doing when you weren’t riding a unicycle.
I enjoyed the original series. I liked the Wrath of Khan. I have forgotten or unaware of the others.
This new era looks bright of the Star Trek franchise. It will help keep the original show living long and strong.
Starwars never lived up to my expectations. I went on a high school date in 1977. We stood in a long line. It sold out one couple after us. Maybe it’s a timing thing, but after the movie I was wasted. What I learned that night was: don’t slam drink alcohol before you go see a movie. And I never have.