I’m going to the 7pm showing tonight, and it’s gets high ratings from critics and regular folk alike. Here’s what the Boston globe says: “this is the greatest prequel ever made”. Trailer looks awesome, and even Leonard Nimoy plays a cameo! Shatner’s not in it though, which is too bad, but I’m still really excited to see it!
I thought the opening was tomorrow.
I can’t wait to see it as well! It looks pretty fun. My wife and I are big fans of “Heroes” and the actor that plays Syler is Spock in the new Trek movie.
I wish we had a good theatre up here. Our screens are small and the sound systems stink. I might wait and see it in Alberta when we go down to Edmonton in June if it is still out.
“Sneek” showings usually start the night before the official release date at midingiht, but here in Los Angeles county, at least, the sneeks start at 7pm, with two more following.
Hollywood baby! We were in LA in the spring and as we drove around, I was amazed at how many place were familiar because I have seen them in movies and on TV.
I know some people who were involved in the show and they seem pretty psyched about it. We had a screening yesterday - which I missed because I’m not a fan - and response was pretty good. Purportedly it’s a good movie.
Haha I meant it was among the first of the reproductions. I think there have been tons of later ones, like these cheapies, made by different companies over the last 40 years, so this is one of the first to be made.
I just got back from seeing it. It was very well done, very exciting to watch and will appeal to a very wide audience (more than the earlier movies). Box office should be big, and I’m sure there will be more of these films to come.
But I don’t want to be a spoiler, so not sure how much to say, other than highly recommended. For detail freaks, there are a number of holes, design inconsistencies and other breaks in continuity with the history that’s supposed to have happened after this movie, most notably the first two episodes of the original series (The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before), which have to be thrown out the window. That should not have been necessary. We can go into that if people are interested…
Do I have to know any of the original storyline to understand this movie? I know nothing about Star Trek, so would I still get the full enjoyment or would I always be confused?
For the most part you should be fine. You won’t already know the characters so some of their actions (and audience reactions) may seem strange but otherwise the story stands well on its own.