There’s a new show called Time Warp on Discovery channel that’s premiering on Wednesday. I joined up on the forums over there to post up a suggestion for a show. People should join up and +1 or add to my idea, it would be awesome to see some of the amazing stuff these riders do in super slow motion.
That seems like a cool show. I would watch it. Way better than that smash lab show.
true, but I figured someone else would join and reply posting about them… plus they’re really only gonna probably pick one rider to do the show if they even pick that idea.
I don’t really watch that show because a lot of their ideas are stupid and impractical. The slow mow show sounds cool though.
just saw the skateboarding episode… more people need to join the discovery channel forums and get unicycling on that show! I want to see it in super slow motion, skateboarding looks sooo simple. I want to see how impressed the timewarp people are with unicycling, they were way too amazed at skateboarding. We’d blow their minds.
Maybe, but maybe not. Have you seen some of the ads on their website? Check out what I saw when I went to your link. Maybe we just need to…remind them.
then help me remind them haha
I would gladly help. But…how do I go about doing that?
The “real” Skateboarders (not the posers), deserve respect. Skateboarding is a lot harder than unicycling. Unicycling is not an elite thing, just a bunch of weirdos riding for the fun of it. You want respect for unicycling, but don’t give it where it’s due. Go and try an ollie. Not so simple.
It’s pretty lame how many unicyclists are cocky.
I agree with you that skateboarding is not easy and some people are extremely good, but judging by statistics and the opinions of many people, unicycling is more difficult. Some people I know were able to get on a skateboard and ride around a bit their first try. That’s not the case on a uni.
I’m not cocky at all… I know I suck and that unicycling isn’t all that, I never said that skateboarding was easy just that the slow mo made it look easy… I want to see how easy slow mo makes unicycling. I tried skateboarding once and It’s freaking hard… I know that. I never said that skateboarding was easy just that the slow mo made it look easy…
yeah that’s what I have been finding too.
Opinions of who? Non riders? Statistics stated where? I bet the large majority of skaters could learn to ride a unicycle if they wanted to.
I bet if 100 people were chosen at random and they were all given an hour to get good on a unicycle and an hour to get good at a skateboard the majority of people would be a lot better at the skateboard.