New Server for!? - Lets Chip In!

So I just refreshed my page a min ago and there is a “New Server” in the top right corner of the page.

Im going to deposit some more money into my account and go donate as soon as I can.

I think most of you should do the same and donate a few dollars to help Gilby out, and we would benefit from it as well. And its always nice to give.

So get to it. Im ready to watch the percentage rise.

i would, but i only have £30 in my bank and im going camping on the weekend, and need loads for cyprus in the summer (holiday!!!)

Excuses, excuses… :stuck_out_tongue:

Im sure just walking around the house or asking parents for some spare change can add up to a dollar or more, and you can donate that.

Its going to take me a few days cause it takes a while to get money form my account onto my paypal account. But as soon as its there it will be going towards the server.

Payday is the 25th.
I’ll throw in $20 then.

How do we know that it’s legit, and not a phishing scam? We should wait for an “official” thread/post from Gilby.

Thats exactly what I thought. Not sending any money anywhere until I know it really is going towards a new server.

I think its fine. The link takes you to a paypal page with ‘Contribution to New Server for by Gilby (’.

You could just click on the old donate link and im sure the money would be going to the same place.

Im sure Gilby will mention it, but even if he doesnt, I trust this.

I doubt that highly, actually i probably would get a dollar, shame i work in pounds. Damn these american airbases giving us dolars instead of pounds for change! I will try gilby:)

Yes, it’s real.

Yes. You would think that Gilby would have made a specific thread bringing this to our attention, rather than just inserting a little ad without so much as a formal announcement about it.

Yeah, it’s most likey legit, but being a past vicitim of identity theft, I’ll wait for the official announcement from Gilby.

Edit: Ok, three simple words from Gilby below seems to confirm it.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

It does not update real-time…

Well, I just watched it go from $0 to $15. So before I said I was ready to watch it raise, and now I am watching it raise.

Now go donate.

EDIT: $15 to $65. 0% to 3%. Owned?

whoever just put in $50 is awesome.

OK, you got your official thread. Thanks everyone.

Bummer… it still shows zero up there, even though I’ve gotten payment notifications from PayPal. I’m guessing it’s just a caching issue.

I don’t know, how can we know for sure that you’re really Gilby :wink:

Well, because I’ll gladly accept a shipment of Beer Lao from you… assuming I have a place to put it (other than in my tummy if it’s 9 am). :slight_smile:

Hmm, good point! :sunglasses: Besides, I always mix him up with Gild! :slight_smile:

I know a place to get it!

New Server for!

Hey, I don’t know if there was a thread about this, sorry if there already was, but I never saw it and I’m on here daily. Even if it was so I think a reminder is a good thing. You donate by the icon in the upper right hand side of the page, I’ll be trying to get some cash together to donate soon.

Get donating people!