New Roadie, Please Help!

Well, i am getting a new road bike soon and dont really know much about them.
I have pretty much narrowed it down to 2 so could someone/everyone that knows lots please compare the 2 for me and write out what to go for and why?
First one is a Merida 905: This is normally $2200 but i can get it for $1650 as its at a mates bike store and on sale (he pushed sale price down a bit more).

Second is a Trek 1.7: (you will need to go to the ‘road’ section and go to the 1 Series then select the 1.7 (i cant link directly to it for some reason). This I can only get for RRP which is $1999.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks guys.

Was your first unicycle a V-frame Schlumpf with a SW CF seatbase and Magura brakes?

Why go for a spendy bike when you don’t know what you want? Why not start with a loaner, or a used bike, or do a demo program through a LBS?

I have had a talk to the LBS and am sussing out options…
My current bike is a Norco VFR4 Flat Bar roadie and i have decided to go to a full on roadie of which i have a budget of up to 2K.

When I saw the thread title, I thought you got a job as a roadie (as in, “I’m with the band”). Then I read the post and thought you were getting a motorcycle, although I was a little confused by the prices (used, maybe?). Then I clicked the link and I got it. And now I can’t help you. Good luck. :slight_smile:

The first one has Ultegra, and the second has 105. Ultegra is better than 105.

They’re both fine “first” road bikes that will spoil you rotten. If one feels better to you, then you should buy that one. Otherwise, I’d favor the cheaper one with the better Ultegra drivetrain.

There’s a million bikes out there, and a million different opinions about what is best. One problem is that even people that have ridden a lot haven’t ridden EVERY brand of bike, so it makes it hard to really compare.

You might check out and look on the “Road Cycling” forum. Probably best to ask “which of these two is better” rather than a generic “what bike should I get”. People there can get smart-alecky and stuff, but don’t let that bother you.

Merida 905 no doubt.