New rider with a clear goal ;)

Wijchen Bikepark De Melkweg is only half an hour away from me. Hopefully I will think about it on Saturday and go there instead.

De Melkweg is something different. You need this location:

Skicentrum Wijchense Berg
Heumenseweg 180, 6603 KT Wijchen

The bikepark is next to a ski facility. You park at the bottom of the main line, in front of the gate of the skiberg.
If you look at the hill you will already see a drop and the wallride behind the parking spots.
Just walk all the way up next to the line (The line itself crosses some asphalt a few times) until you’re all the way on top (where the skilift also ends).
From there on it’s just rolling down and having fun!

Here’s a compilation of the fastest riders during last years competition:

The starting tower and the 2 final jumps (all made of the light wood) were only there for the competition. The rest is part of the regular line.

Day 10 of my unicycle quest:

Balance and hops are getting better :metal:

Nice backwards riding :slight_smile:

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SpaceX test launched their Starship yesterday, which exploded when landing. I was amused by Elon Musk’s statement:

RUD = Rapid Unplanned Disassembly :grin:


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