New Qu-ax

Sorry to disappoint you with another near pointless thread, but about 5 hours ago I assembled my shiny new Qu-ax 20" splined trials, and I love it. It’s amazing and though I’m yet to take it anywhere interesting (skate park and town centre tomorrow), it feels so good to ride. The KH seat seems close to perfect after riding on the plastic brick on my Dodger for the last couple of months, and the tyre is so damn FAT. Oh, and that sexy yellow hub! The whole thing feels indestructable, though I’ll soon put that to the test tomorrow…

I think I’m in love.

Nice!..It feels good to finally have the confidence of the splined hub, I kno it was for me…Now you kno what yout gotta do…Ride it into the ground man!!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6hear hear I got a KH24 o hoo hoo its so much better

This thread need PICTURES!