New Movie: Playin with Pallets...

Evan you are like the only one that uses all but 2 of those names.
Ive been telling him to put on a shirt too…it doesnt work.

are you gonna take that evan? he tried you.

Wow, howd you go from this:

to this?

But still, great movie

Bc jus tkinda got old for me…i dunno…i use to love it…but then when i couldnt go to the skate park often i just got lazy and quit.


Iv heard mayn people use those names, i only really call then revs or rewinds.

7 pallets ~= 35".

It’s really difficult to believe you can hop that high when you sloMo a rolling hop up TWO STAIRS. That is less than a third the height of your claimed hop.

Damn, I didnt slow it down enough, If you look closly, the reason i slowed it down is because i so a half crankspin up 2 stairs.

but then again with a huge big 24 inch KH he got up 5 with what looked like alot of ease.

Nice video evan yeah keep on rocking


im good like him!

Also, a rolling hop is different from a side hop. People might be able to do one better than the other.

my side hop is 6 ish and my rolliing is 4